Well prepared for the upcoming grassland season, about 60 customers from 4 countries met on April 08 at this year’s LASCO Hay drying training. After a brief welcome by Sales Manager Michael Bruckmüller, the lecture started with the Chairman of the ARGE Heumilch, Karl Neuhofer. He summarized the advantages of quality hay feeding and showed market opportunities in the European market.
DI Gerald Stögmüller, Head of feed analysis laboratory Rosenau, took us deep into the world of farm animals feeding. He clarified the question, which are the quality requirements for hay today, to enable a healthy and efficient flock of animals.
Florian Gollob, LASCO’s Hay Technology Marketing Director and responsible for the markets in the Netherlands and France, pointed it out, that Hay drying isn’t a rocket science, if some rules are followed. These were conveyed with examples and videos from practice. As additional points, the exciting moments of the past two years for the company were presented in the same breath, as well as a glimpse for its future.
A common lunch break enabled the exchange of experience among participants and provided new momentum for the afternoon program. In addition to a company visit including visits to the research and development department, 4 practice departments were ready to be attended in the afternoon. Our customers received an intensive product training held by senior staff members of the individual departments Landritherm Hot air heaters, DryAir air dehumidifiers, LASCO Drying control unit und LASCO Hay crane. Every 30 minutes, a change was made so all practice departments could be visited.
At this point we would like to cordially thank once again our specialists, our employees and especially our customers, parts of them had taken long travelling routes, to become a part of this event! Thank you for that! It was our great pleasure!
Already by this time, we may want to wish all of you a successful drying season!
Video of the training event
Pictures of the event
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Watch lectures held online
On popular demand, we have published the lectures of Karl Neuhofer and DI Gerald Stögmüller. Thank you for the opportunity. The lecture: “Simple rules for successful hay production” by Florian Gollob can be received per E-Mail on request.
Lecture by Karl Neuhofer (Chairman of ARGE Heumilch in Austria):
Lecture by DI Gerald Stögmüller (Director of the feed analysis laboratory Rosenau):
Photos (c) Runk.eu