
We would like to invite you to the large hay excursion in Tyrol. We look forward to seeing you.

Together with the Tyrolean warehouses, we organize a hay field trip across Tyrol. Two Hay dairy farms achieving very good hay qualities by using a more efficient Drying technology (air dehumidifier and/or hot air), and are thus economically well on its way. We would be happy, if we can inspire you for a visit of this event.
Hay milk is terrific! While the international milk market is facing great challenges, the sales of milk in Austria had grown by 8% in 2014!* Accordingly the differences in the prices of milk are big now. Due to the fantastic work of ARGE Heumilch, a trend reversal is not in sight and a switch to hay milk is still interesting.
Event dates:
You can inquire information and free registration at Mr. Pichler: 0664 40 24-504


Registration/Infos at:
Anton Pichler: Mobile:+43-(0) 664-402-4504

Date: SA, 30.01.2016 from 10:00 am
The ascent is possible from many regions of Tyrolean. Attention: the number of participants is limited. Catering is provided.

Our last news

Our this year’s hay drying training

Our this year’s hay drying training

Well prepared for the upcoming grassland season, about 60 customers from 4 countries met on April 08 at this year’s LASCO Hay drying training. After a brief welcome by Sales Manager Michael Bruckmüller, the lecture started with the Chairman of the ARGE Heumilch, Karl...

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