
We would like to invite you to the large hay excursion in Tyrol. We look forward to seeing you.

Together with the Tyrolean warehouses, we organize a hay field trip across Tyrol. Two Hay dairy farms achieving very good hay qualities by using a more efficient Drying technology (air dehumidifier and/or hot air), and are thus economically well on its way. We would be happy, if we can inspire you for a visit of this event.
Hay milk is terrific! While the international milk market is facing great challenges, the sales of milk in Austria had grown by 8% in 2014!* Accordingly the differences in the prices of milk are big now. Due to the fantastic work of ARGE Heumilch, a trend reversal is not in sight and a switch to hay milk is still interesting.
Event dates:
You can inquire information and free registration at Mr. Pichler: 0664 40 24-504


Registration/Infos at:
Anton Pichler: Mobile:+43-(0) 664-402-4504

Date: SA, 30.01.2016 from 10:00 am
The ascent is possible from many regions of Tyrolean. Attention: the number of participants is limited. Catering is provided.

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